Buy Life Insurance to Support your Child’s Dreams

My Child Dreams of becoming a Doctor

Your daughter is ten years old, and all she talks about is being a lawyer. Imagine this – your child is in the first year of college, all set to pursue her dreams of becoming a lawyer. She has taken all sorts of tough classes, and is securing great marks. Suddenly, one night, she says, “I don’t want to be a lawyer anymore; I want to be a doctor!” What would you do? Other students with the same dream have already started their MBBS preparations. So, now you daughter has to run the rat race all over again. Will she make the cut? How will you pay for such an expensive degree without planning? Where should you start?

This is why your aim is not only to prepare your child for a steady career, but to help them choose the right path. Rarely do you know what your five-year-old will become. However, finances are essential, regardless of the end choice. So, start early and make investments. A life insurance policy and child plans are a great way to start. And today, it has become easier, since you can buy life insurance online as well.

Supporting your Child’s Dreams

As parents, you should always believe in your children’s dreams. Why? Well, because they believe in themselves, and you as a parent are the only support system they have. And, this holds good financially as well. In the unfortunate event that you are not around, would their dreams come to an end? So, it would be a great idea to first buy life insurance online.

What You Can Do

Research shows that several students enter college with a vague notion. They are clueless about their aspirations and the type of career that will suit them best. Here is what you can do as a parent:

1. Encourage Internships: Encourage getting exposure during high-school. Many might judge you, saying that you are being demanding. However, this will help your child narrow down their interests.

2.Help Making Choices: Never do you want your child to lose out on proper education. In fact, the best decisions are made before college. Hasty career decisions can lead to unpleasant experiences. So, use your experiences and help them make the right choice well in advance.

3. Start Early and Stay Prepared: Today children want to travel abroad and pursue courses that could cost lakhs. Who will support this? You! So, plan your finances when they are toddlers. Make investments and consider buying life insurance. You never know when you might need it.


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